

  • Trophic ecology of the pyjama shark Poroderma africanum (Gmelin, 1789) elucidated by stable isotopes

    Caracausi, Da Ros, Premici, Gennari and Fanelli (2024) - Read this publication online

  • Genome analysis reveals three distinct lineages of the cosmopolitan white shark

    Wagner, Smolina, Koop, Bal, Lizano, Choo, Hofreiter, Gennari, de Sabata, Shivji and Noble (2024) - Read this publication online

  • Uncertainty remains for white sharks in South Africa, as population stability and redistribution cannot be concluded by Bowlby et al.(2023):“Decline or shifting distribution? a first regional trend assessment for white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in South Africa.

    Gennari, Hammerschlag, Andreotti, Fallows, Fallows and Braccini (2024) - Read this publication online

  • Further insights into killer whales Orcinus orca preying on white sharks Carcharodon carcharias in South Africa.

    Towner, Micarelli, Hurwitz, Smale, Booth, Stopforth, Jacobs, Reinero, Ricci, Di Bari, Gavazzi, Carugno, ,Mahrer and Gennari (2024) - Read this publication online

  • Looking into the prevalence of bycatch juveniles of critically endangered elasmobranchs: a case study from pelagic longline and trammel net fisheries of the Asinara Gulf (western Mediterranean).

    Scacco, Gennari, Di Crescenzo, Fanelli (2023) - Read this publication online

  • Short-term effects of standard procedures associated with surgical transmitter implantation on a benthic shark species requiring anaesthesia

    Trotter, Rathjens, Schmiegel, Mews, Cowley, Gennari (2023) - Read this publication online

  • Stakeholders’ perceptions of the conservation and management of elasmobranchs in South Africa

    Williams, Lucrezi, Cowley, Gennari (2023) - Read this publication online

  • Molecular Taxonomy of South Africa’s Catsharks: How Far Have We Come?

    van Staden, Ebert, Gennari, Leslie, McCord, Parkinson, Watson, Wintner, da Silva, Bester-van der Merwe (2023) - Read this publication online

  • A systematic conservation plan identifying critical areas for improved chondrichthyan protection in South Africa

    Faure-Beaulieu, Lombard, Olbers, Goodall, da Silva, Daly, Jordaan, Kerwath, Kock, Mann, Murray, Albano, Cliff, dos Santos, Gennari, Hammerschlag, Bester-van der Merwe, Watson, Andreotti, Bernard, Cowley, De Vos, Drobniewska, Elston, Fallows, Rogers, Smith, van Staden, de Villiers, Paulet, Harris (2023) - Read this publication online

  • How continuing mortality affects recovery potential for prohibited sharks: The case of white sharks in South Africa

    Bowlby, Hammerschlag, Irion, Gennari (2022) - Read this publication online

  • Active acoustic telemetry reveals ontogenetic habitat‑related variations in the coastal movement ecology of the white shark

    Gennari, Irion, Cowley (2022) - Read this publication online

  • Fear at the top: killer whale predation drives white shark absence at South Africa’s largest aggregation site.

    Towner, Watson, Kock, Papastamatiou, Sturup, Gennari, Baker, Booth, Dicken, Chivell, Elwen, Kaschke, Edwards and Smale (2022) - Read this publication online

  • Sex and Size Influence the Spatiotemporal Distribution of White Sharks, With Implications for Interactions With Fisheries and Spatial Management in the Southwest Indian Ocean

    Kock, Lombard, Daly, Goodall, Meÿer, Johnson, Fischer, Koen, Irion, Gennari, Towner, Jewell, da Silva, Dicken, Smale, Photopoulou (2022) - Read this publication online

  • Reply to: Caution over the use of ecological big data for conservation

    Queiroz, Humphries, ... Gennari .... Sims (2021) - Read this publication online

  • Reply to: Shark mortality cannot be assessed by fishery overlap alone.

    Queiroz, Humphries, ... Gennari .... Sims (2021) - Read this publication online

  • Science alone won’t do It! South Africa’s endangered humpback dolphins Sousa plumbea face complex conservation challenges

    Plön, Atkins, Cockcroft, Conry, Dines, Elwen, Gennari, Gopal, Gridley, Hörbst, James, Penry, Thornton,Vargas-Fonseca, Vermeulen (2021) - Read this publication online

  • Site fidelity and shallow genetic structure in the common smoothhound shark Mustelus mustelus confirmed by genetic and tag-recapture data.

    Klein, Asbury, da Silva, Hull, Dicken, Gennari, Maduna, Bester-van der Merwe (2021) - Read this publication online

  • A shark's eye view: testing the 'mistaken identity theory' behind shark bites on humans.

    Ryan, Slip, Chapuis, Collin, Gennari, Hemmi, How, Huveneers, Peddemors, Tosetto and Hart (2021) - Read this publication online

  • Perceptions of shark hazard mitigation at beaches implementing lethal and nonlethal shark control programs

    Lucrezi, Gennari (2021) - Read this publication online

  • Physiological response to capture stress in endemic Southern African catsharks (Family Scyliorhinidae)

    Scarponi, Gennari, Hughes (2021) - Read this publication online

  • Microsatellite development and detection of admixture among three sympatric Haploblepharus species (Carcharhiniformes: Scyliorhinidae) using newly developed microsatellite markers

    van Staden, Gledhill, Gennari, McCord, Parkinson, Watson, Rhode, Bester-van der Merwe (2020) - Read this publication online

  • First observations of white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) attacking a live humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)

    Dines, Gennari (2020) - Read this publication online

  • South African Cetacean Research

    Seakamela, Hofmeyr, Vermeulen, Meyer, Olbers, Dicken, Thompson, Gennari, Atkins, Neveceralova, Versfeld, Penry, Harris, Findlay (2020)

2015 - 2019

  • Spatio-temporal genetic variation of juvenile smooth hammerhead sharks in South Africa

    Kuguru, Gennari, Wintner, Dicken, Klein, Rhode, Bester-van der Merwe (2019) - Read this publication online

  • Using mark-recapture methods to estimate population size and survival of pyjama sharks Poroderma africanum in Mossel Bay, South Africa

    Grusd, Moloney, Distiller, Watson, Cowley, Gennari (2019) - Read this publication online

  • A test of causative and moderator effects in human perceptions of sharks, their control and framing.

    Lucrezi, Ellis, Gennari (2019) - Read this publication online

  • Antibiotic sensitivity of bacterial flora isolated from the oral cavities of live white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in South African waters

    Gennari, Kock, Smale, Towner, Khan, Bester, Johnson, Fischer, Meÿer, Morse (2019) - Read this publication online

  • Global spatial risk assessment of sharks under the footprint of fisheries

    Queiroz, Humphries, ... Gennari .... Sims (2019) - Read this publication online

  • Cape fur seals adjust traversing behaviour with lunar conditions in the high white shark density waters of Mossel Bay, South Africa

    Morse, Mole, Bester, Johnson, Scacco, Gennari (2019) - Read this publication online

  • The effect of underwater sounds on shark behaviour

    Chapuis, Collin, Yopak, McCauley, Kempster, Ryan, Schmidt, Kerr, Gennari, Egeberg, Hart (2019) - Read this publication online

  • Not all electric shark deterrents are made equal: Effects of a commercial electric anklet deterrent on white shark behaviour

    Egeberg, Kempster, Hart, Ryan, Chapuis, Kerr, Schmidt, Gennari, Yopak, Collin (2019) - Read this publication online

  • Future Research Directions on the “Elusive” White Shark

    Huveneers, .... Gennari, et al. (2019) - Download this publication

  • Performance and reliability of active acoustic biotelemetry to best track marine pelagic species in temperate coastal waters

    Gennari, Johnson, Cowley (2018) - Read this publication online

  • DNA barcoding of chondrichthyans in South African fisheries

    Kuguru, Maduna, da Silva, Gennari, Rhode, Bester-van der Merwe (2018) - Read this publication online

  • SA Western Indian Ocean Research Compendium

    Paterson, Hermes, Bornman, Klarenbeek, Siko, Palmer (2018) - Download this publication

  • Evidence for sperm storage in common smoothhound shark Mustelus mustelus and paternity assessment in a single litter from South Africa

    Maduna, Van Wyk, Da Silva, Gennari, Bester-Van Der Merwe (2018) - Read this publication online

  • Indian Ocean humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea) movement patterns along the South African coast

    Vermeulen, Bouveroux, Plön, Atkins, Chivell, Cockcroft, Conry, Gennari, Hörbst, James, Kirkman, Penry, Pistorius, Thornton, Vargas-Fonseca, Elwen (2018) - Read this publication online

  • Effects of auditory and visual stimuli on shark feeding behaviour: the disco effect

    Ryan, Chapuis, Hemmi, Collin, McCauley, Yopak, Gennari, Huveneers, Kempster, Kerr, Schmidt, Egeberg, Hart (2017) - Read this publication online

  • Pessimistic assessment of white shark population status in South Africa: Comment on Andreotti et al. (2016).

    Irion, Noble, Kock, Gennari, Dicken, Hewitt, Towner, Booth, Smale, Cliff (2017) - Read this publication online

  • How solitary are white sharks: social interactions or just spatial proximity?

    Findlay, Gennari, Cantor, Tittensor (2016) - Download this publication

  • How Close is too Close? The Effect of a Non-Lethal Electric Shark Deterrent on White Shark Behaviour

    Kempster , Egeberg , Hart, Ryan, Chapuis, Kerr, Schmidt, Huveneers, Gennari, Yopak, Meeuwig, Collin (2016) - Read this publication online

  • Biodiversity and studies of marine symbiotic siphonostomatoids off South Africa

    Dippenaar (2016) - Read this publication online

  • Abundance and degree of residency of humpback dolphins Sousa plumbea in Mossel Bay, South Africa

    James, Bester, Penry, Gennari, Elwen (2015) - Download this publication

  • Siphonostomatoid copepods infecting Squalus acutipinnis Regan, 1908 off South Africa

    Dippenaar, Molele (2015) - Read this publication online

2010 - 2014

  • Spatial and seasonal patterns in sighting rate and life-history composition of the white shark Carcharodon carcharias at Mossel Bay, South Africa

    Ryklief, Pistorius, Johnson (2014) - Download this publication

  • Fine scale movements and activity areas of white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in Mossel Bay, South Africa

    Jewell, Johnson, Gennari, Bester (2013) - Download this publication

  • Accuracy of Using Visual Identification of White Sharks to Estimate Residency Patterns.

    Delaney, Johnson, Bester, Gennari (2012) - Download this publication

  • Effects of Smart Position Only (SPOT) Tag Deployment on White Sharks Carcharodon carcharias in South Africa.

    Jewell, Wcisel, Gennari, Towner, Bester, Johnson, Singh (2011) - Download this publication

  • Vagrant Southern Elephant Seal and Human Disturbance in Mossel Bay, South Africa.

    Mertz & Bester (2011) - Download this publication

  • Distribution and abundance of humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, off the coast of Mozambique.

    Findlay, Meyer, Elwen, Kotze, Johnson, Truter, Uamusse, Sitoe, Wilke, Kerwath, Swanson, Staverees, Van Derwesthuizen (2011) - Download this publication

  • Using Static Acoustic Monitoring to Describe Echolocation Behaviour of Heaviside’s Dolphins (Cephalorhynchus heavisidii) in Namibia.

    Leeney, Carslake, Elwen (2011) - Download this publication

  • Interactions between leatherback turtles and killer whales in Namibian waters, including possible predation.

    Elwen & Leeney (2011) - Download this publication

  • Conservation Biology of Marine Mammals in the Southern African Sub-region.

    Kirkman, Elwen, Pistorius, Thornton, Weir (2011) - Download this publication

  • Cetacean research in the southern African subregion: a review of previous studies and current knowledge.

    Elwen, Findlay, Kiszka, Weir (2011) - Download this publication

  • The first African Marine Mammal Colloquium, South Africa.

    Elwen, Thornton, Kirkman, Pistorius, Weir (2010) - Download this publication

  • Near-shore distribution of Heaviside’s (Cephalorhynchus heavisidii) and dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) at the southern limit of their range in South Africa.

    Elwen, Thornton, Reeb, Best (2010) - Download this publication

  • Injury and Subsequent Healing of a Propeller Strike Injury to a Heaviside Dolphin (Cephalorhynchus heavisidii).

    Elwen & Leeney (2010) - Download this publication

2005 - 2009

  • Coastal swimming patterns of white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) at Mossel Bay, South Africa.

    Johnson, Bester, Dudley, Oosthuizen, Meÿer, Hancke, Gennari (2009) - Download this publication

  • Concordance of genetic and fin photo identification in the great white shark, (Carcharodon carcharias), of Mossel Bay, South Africa.

    Gubili, Johnson, Gennari, Oosthuizen, Kotze, Meÿer, Sims, Jones, Noble (2009) - Download this publication

  • A population estimate of Heaviside's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus heavisidii) in the southern end of their range.

    Elwen, Reeb, Thornton, Best (2009)

  • Impact of shark-feeding tourism on surrounding fish populations off Moorea Island (French Polynesia).

    Vignon, Sasal, Johnson, Galzin (2009)

  • Encounters between white sharks and Cape fur seals in a shallow channel.

    Johnson, Keswick, Bester, Oosthuizen (2008) - Download this publication

  • Effects of pingers on the behaviour of bottlenose dolphins.

    Leeney, Berrow, McGrath, Cosgrove (2007)

  • First age and growth estimates in the deep water shark, (Etmopterus spinax) (Linnaeus, 1758), by deep coned vertebral analysis.

    Gennari & Scacco (2007) - Download this publication

  • The Morphological characteristics, behaviour and ecology of (Psammobates oculiferus).

    Keswick (2007)

  • An assessment of dolphins in The Gambia.

    Leeney, Dia, Touray (2007)

  • Range and movements of a nearshore delphinid, Heaviside's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus heavisidii) a determined from satellite telemetry.

    Elwen, Meÿer, Best, Kotze, Thornton, Swanson (2006)

  • Proceedings of the workshop: Static Acoustic Monitoring of Cetaceans, held at the 20th Annual Meeting of the European Cetacean Society, Gdynia, Poland.

    Leeney & Tregenza (2006)

  • White shark abundance: not a causative factor in numbers of shark bite incidents.

    Kock, Johnson, Bester, Compagno, Cliff, Dudley, Gennari, Griffiths, Kotze, Laroche, Meyer, Oosthuizen, Swanson (2006) - Download this publication

  • Seabird predation by white shark, (Carcharodon carcharias), and Cape fur seal, (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus), at Dyer Island.

    Johnson, Venter, Bester, Oosthuizen (2006) - Download this publication

  • Is there a relationship between white shark presence and the management of city estuaries and river mouths?

    Oelofse, Kock, Johnson, Haskins (2006) - Download this publication

  • South Africa’s White Shark cage-diving industry - is their cause for concern?

    Johnson, Kock, Bester, Compagno, Dudley, Griffiths, Keswick, Kotze, Laroche, Meyër, Oosthuizen, Swanson, Jacobs (2006) - Download this publication

  • Range and Movements of female heaviside Dolphins (Cephalorhynchus heavisidii), as determined by Satellite-linked technology.

    Elwen, Meyer, Best, Kotze, Thornton, Swanson (2006)

  • Transoceanic migration, long-distance return migration and local movement patterns in the great white shark.

    Bonfil, Meyer, Scholl, Johnson, O´Brian, Oosthuizen, Swanson, Kotze, Patterson (2005) - Download this publication

1996 - 2004

  • Environmental factors influencing the distribution of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) on the south coast of South Africa I: Broad scale patterns.

    Elwen & Best (2004)

  • Are there reproductive benefits to southern right whale females (Eubalaena australis) associated with their coastal distribution off South Africa?

    Elwen & Best (2004)

  • Habitat utilization of the white shark in South Africa, using acoustic telemetry.

    Johnson, Oosthuizen, Bester, Meyer, Swanson, Kotze (2004)

  • Behavioural ecology of the white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) at Dyer Island, South Africa.

    Johnson (2003)

  • Rodent induced damage to a pine plantation: a southern African case study.

    Ferguson, Van Jaarsveld, Johnson, Bredenkamp, Foord, Britz (2003)

  • BENEFIT project: "Monitoring and evaluation of Cape fur seals in Southern Africa in relation to commercial fishery operations".

    Olsen, Mauritzen, Kirkman, Oosthuizen, Mukapuli, Meyer, Kleophas, Swanson (2002)

  • The effect of afforestation fragmentation on small mammal assemblages at Groenvaly grasslands.

    Johnson, Ferguson, Van Jaarsveld, Chimimba, Bronner (2002)

  • Suture age as an indicator of physiological age in male Cape fur seal, Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus (Pinnipedia: Otariidae).

    Stewardson, Prvn, Meyer, Swanson (2001)

  • Vertebral ageing study, in Etmopterus spinax (Linnaeus, 1758) in central Mediterranean sea.

    Gennari (1996)

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